September 23, 2011

SaSa free shipping!

Hello! This is a quick and short post! But Sasa is having a promotion, with every purchase of $49 dls and up you will get free shipping! And for only $8 dls you can upgrade to Expedited Shipping! So go and take advantage of this wonderful promotion! It expires on Sep 30!

I just order some things! Couldn't let that promotion escape me xD

September 18, 2011


Hello dears!
I'm working on some reviews for two products, I'm just giving myself some time to really see the effects, though so far so good!

Anyways, this blogpost is mainly for all the artists out there! Have any of you seen Wacom's Inkling? What do you think of it? Personally, I can't wait to get my hands on it! It just seems like an amazing tool! Once it is out in the market ( Around October I think ) I'm going to buy two! xD

One for me and one for my boyfriend <3 ( Xmas gift oh yea!)

For those of you that still don't know about this new product check it out!

Pretty cool huh?